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Please enjoy this great sex story.

The Prunes

BY: R/Dave (C) 1999

She had spent her entire life in the small Midwestern town. It wasn’t until Jim had arrived in the black unmarked sedan, that she became interested in the world beyond her own. He was suave and intelligent, spoke softly with great authority, and worked for a secret government organization she had never heard of. Sheila was captivated almost immediately, and could barely respond to his questions concerning the lights in the sky that one August evening several weeks ago. Sensing her timidness, Jim discounted much of her information until two weeks later, when she remained in the hospital overnight for further testing. The skin on her forehead and cheeks had become mottled and discolored, and it was feared that she may be suffering from some form of radiation sickness. He sat with her from the time he arrived until early the next morning, comforting her and getting to know her better. Her shyness melted to his warmth, and soon they were sharing ideals she held only for her closest friends.

The next day arrived to find Sheila worsening. The withering skin had progressed to her neck and down her exposed arms, and she was having difficulty in swallowing. The doctors were baffled, and soon she was quarantined, with her vital fluids rushed to a lab in Atlanta. Jim became quite concerned, and now spent most of her waking hours by her side, offering what little encouragement he could as she gradually began to loose her struggle to survive. The following evening, barely able to speak through lips that resembled a dried prune in color and texture, she asked Jim to kiss her. He complied, and soon was locked in a fitful embrace with the shivering girl beneath him.

As she drew him closer, he could feel her essence cry out to his compassion for understanding and fulfillment. Later that evening, in the darkness of the sleeping hospital, he kissed her with passion, and with his vision partially obscured, responded to her awakened passions with desire of his own. Dressed only in a hospital gown, Jim was able to quickly remove the restraints of her clothing and embellish her entire body with kisses, delving deeply into her virgin assets. She desired him so completely, that she could barely contain the orgasms that repeatedly swept over her. At her continued insistence, he finally disrobed and climbed onto the tiny bed with her, allowing her to caress his masculinity for the first time, bringing him ever closer to release. As their caresses grew in intensity, she moved his straining body over hers, and gently guided him into her, immediately triggering another series of orgasms with the gentle pressures his manhood provided.

Deliberately, yet passionately, Jim began to move his pubis against hers, keeping her dangling from the precipice of orgasms as he brought himself closer to ecstasy. Almost as quickly as it began, he felt the forceful burning release, as his seed erupted into her burning womb. They both groaned in ecstasy, maintaining the heights of ecstasy for as long as their quivering bodies could maintain the pace. Once spent, they both collapsed into one another, her soft nipples caressing his chest with every breath. Gradually their respiration slowed into a consistent pattern, and the cool wetness between their thighs began to dry, leaving a sticky reminder of their spent passion. They slept peacefully in each others arms, savoring the embrace in their dreams. The night passed within a few brief moments, and soon Jim found himself struggling with his attire, unaware that his partner had been renewed by the contents of his seed. As he turned to give her a loving kiss in parting, he fell backwards in disbelief as her appearance had been fully restored.

Later, as the spellbound doctors left the room to await lab results, Sheila was reunited with her family, who openly wept in gratitude. Any indication of deformity had miraculously disappeared, and she was now aglow with the memories of her first intimate encounter. Several days later, she was released from the hospital and returned to her normal routines around the farm. During her quiet times, she would often reflect on the night her fantasy had been fulfilled by the handsome stranger, and secretly vowed to save herself for him.

Back in the ship, Jim continued his nightly survey of the planets’ surface. The bright light beneath the slow moving craft illuminated the details of the landscape, the minerals maintained within, and the abundant animal life therein. It would take him several more months to complete his mission, and it would take that long for the new life within Sheila to become noticeable. He eagerly awaited this, his first offspring, as his planets’ women had long ago become sterile through the negative effects of competition and pressure. He would soon be the envy of his peers, and hoped he would be allowed to nurture his offspring on the planet below. In any event, his solitary life as a planetary surveyor were soon to end.

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